About Us

Centre for Innovative Medicine is a State Research Institute in which important long-term visions of  therapeutic and diagnostic strategies are being implemented and translated from fundamental science into clinically relevant knowledge and expertise.

Research scientists’ teams and support staff at the Institute direct their research towards several goals:

  • Tailoring scientific research to the needs of the healthcare sector and contributing to the society’s well being.
  • Cooperating within the global network of academic entities, public institutions, business enterprises and governmental bodies. Providing contract services and methodological support to our customers and public institutions.
  • Disseminating our research ideas and results in the society, participating in the educational processes and contribution to the development of the knowledge economics.

Our Open Access Centre offers integrated research and development services for companies, scientists and educational institutions in the fields of cell biology, molecular biology, immunology, health monitoring, biotechnology etc.

Last updated: 2023-09-18, 19:54:04